
    Income and employment situation in COVID times

    2021-12-27T12:30:37+06:00June 23rd, 2021|Policy Brief, Publication|

    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has confronted Bangladesh with a multi-pronged crisis. The adverse impacts of the pandemic experienced in the form of health risks, humanitarian disasters and adverse economic implications have both short-term impacts as also medium to long-term ramifications at macro, meso and micro levels.

      COVID-19 and Employment Related Adjustments: Findings from Household Survey in Bangladesh

      2021-12-27T12:24:30+06:00June 23rd, 2021|Book, Publication|

      Key motivation of the study is to assess pandemic-induced employment impacts at household level to have a deeper understanding of their implications in attaining SDG 8 in Bangladesh.

        Effective delivery of social protection in Bangladesh

        2021-12-27T12:30:17+06:00June 18th, 2021|Policy Brief, Publication|

        COVID-19 pandemic will leave far-reaching footprints on the development journey of Bangladesh, as also other countries across the world. The pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing vulnerabilities, added new dimensions to these, and disrupted the progress towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh.

          Delivering SDGs at the Local Level – Efficiency of Social Protection Programmes in Bangladesh 

          2021-12-27T12:25:13+06:00June 15th, 2021|Book, Publication|

          Securing social and economic rights of vulnerable and marginalised groups demands both targeted policy supports and concrete actions on the part of all involved actors. Of particular significance in this regard is the ability of relevant organisations to deal with the concerned issues adequately and in an informed manner.

            স্থানীয় পর্যায়ে এসডিজি বাস্তবায়ন: যৌথ কর্মপরিকল্পনা

            2021-03-29T18:49:54+06:00March 29th, 2021|Publication|

            বাংলাদেশে এসডিজি বাস্তবায়নে সক্রিয় সমর্থন প্রদানের উদ্দেশ্যে সিপিডি ও অক্সফাম ইন্ বাংলাদেশ যৌথভাবে, ইউরোপিয় ইউনিয়নের আর্থিক সহায়তায়, দেশের ১৩টি জেলায় “গণতান্ত্রিক সুশাসনে জনসম্পৃক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের অংশগ্রহণ” শীর্ষক একটি প্রকল্প বাস্তবায়ন করে আসছে।

              Awareness Building and Access to Information regarding Public Service Delivery at the Local Level

              2021-12-27T12:27:04+06:00March 29th, 2021|Issue Brief, Publication|

              Raising awareness among citizens about their socio-economic and political rights and entitlements and ensuring access ূo information related to national policies and public services are the two important elements of good governance and accountability.

                Promoting the Cause of Disaggregated Data towards Public Service Delivery Effectiveness

                2021-12-27T12:27:11+06:00March 29th, 2021|Issue Brief, Publication|

                Availability of required data at disaggregated level is a critically important ingredient for proper tracking of the progress A of SDG implementation. This is more so, particularly if the ambition of ‘leave no one behind’ is to be fulfilled.

                  GO-GO and GO-NGO Coordination for Better Development Outcomes

                  2021-12-27T12:28:16+06:00March 29th, 2021|Issue Brief, Publication|

                  Coordination among the various government ministries and divisions as well as between government and non-state actors (NGOs, CSOs, CBOs) are critically important to ensure the best use of limited resources, particularly in view of attaining such an ambitious agenda as the SDGs.

                    Socially Accountable Public Services at the Local Level

                    2021-12-27T12:27:53+06:00March 29th, 2021|Issue Brief, Publication|

                    Social accountability strategies enable citizens to help enforce social and state rights, and put the demands of citizens before government officials and concerned service providers. The social accountability strategy is based on three principles: Transparency, Responsibility, and Participation.

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