Introducing a UNIVERSAL PENSION SCHEME in Bangladesh

Introducing a UNIVERSAL PENSION SCHEME in Bangladesh
In Search of a Framework

Authors: Mustafizur Rahman, Towfiqul Islam Khan and Mostafa Amir Sabbih 

This policy note draws on an ongoing research study titled Introducing a Universal Pension Scheme (UPS) in Bangladesh. It outlines a framework for a UPS for Bangladesh based on international experiences. The publication has been prepared under the project titled ‘Enhancing the participation of community-based organizations (CBOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) in democratic governance in Bangladesh’, a joint initiative of the Oxfam in Bangladesh and the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), funded by the European Union. The project intends to strengthen capacity of grassroots CBOs and CSOs to secure social and economic rights of vulnerable individuals and communities in the design and implementation of government policies and budgets related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the cornerstones of the project is to contextualise SDG targets in Bangladesh, focusing on critical thematic areas and citizens’ needs. A key learning of this initiative is that a large section of the marginalised citizens of Bangladesh lacks coverage under the existing social protection schemes. This goes against the principle of social inclusiveness of the SDGs, which is also particularly pertinent in the Bangladesh context, in view of demographic momentum and rising income inequality. There is a demand from the CBOs and CSOs to in­fluence policies in favour of adopting a more comprehensive universal coverage under social protection schemes in Bangladesh. The incumbent government has also expressed its political commitment to adopt a UPS for the citizens of the country, as articulated in its planning documents and election manifesto.

The present study aims to contribute to the designing of the proposed scheme by the government. The plan of having a UPS is also aligned with five specific targets across five SDGs. This policy note has been prepared to disseminate and initiate an informed discussion and debate among policymakers and other relevant stakeholders at all levels in view of a UPS in Bangladesh. It is also hoped that initiation of the discussion at the national policy discourse originated from this study will lead to broader knowledge dissemination and participation of CBOs and CSOs at the local level on this issue. As a follow-up, the project will apprise the local actors on how to participate in the UPS process, to ensure that marginalised sections of the citizens can take full advantage of the scheme, and are not left behind when this scheme is implemented in Bangladesh.

2021-12-27T12:29:42+06:00December 9th, 2019|Policy Brief, Publication|

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