Rangpur Workshop with LA and LG representatives on SDG-linked policies and programs

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-linked policies can help tackle the challenges posted from lack of quality education, absence of dairy and meat processing facilities, challenges in storage and marketing of crops and marketing of livestock in the Rangpur district. There is huge potential in the region due to favourable climate and fertility of the soil. Thus, local authorities (LA) and local government (LG) representatives need to work along with Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to address these challenges and utilise the potentials of this region for its development. Linking government policies with SDGs to tackle these local level challenges promises a quality growth that benefits all.

These came up from Workshop with Local Authorities and Local Government representatives on SDG-linked policies and programs, organised by Oxfam, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and RDRS Bangladesh on 11October 2018 in Conference Room, RDRS Bangladesh, Rangpur. This was a part of series of workshops carried out across Bangladesh under the European Union’s funded project, Enhancing the Participation of Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Democratic Governance in Bangladesh and being executed by Oxfam and CPD.

The purpose of these local level workshops is to ensure the capacity building of CBOs, LAs and LGs on the development issues in Bangladesh. By doing so, the project aims to ensure a participatory action to ensure inclusive development. This bottom-up approach is taken so that the voice of the grassroots can be taken from the LAs and LGs to the central policymakers. The demands of the grassroots will be advocated through CBOs; and CSOs will help in capacity building of these CBOs, LAs and LGs by sharing knowledge. Thus, ensuring democratic governance in Bangladesh through participation of the mass and a development process where no one is left behind.

Mr Towfiqul Islam Khan, Senior Research Fellow, CPD, made a presentation at the event. The LA and LG representatives present at the workshop took the discussion points into consideration and pledged to address the challenges.

Alongside LA and LG representatives, local media, development and youth organisations were also present at the event.

2019-08-20T18:14:03+06:00October 11th, 2018|Event, Workshop|

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