
Need for Right-based Social Protection Programmes and the Role of Citizens in Governance

2021-12-27T12:28:23+06:00March 29th, 2021|Issue Brief, Publication|

Social protection programmes are widely recognised as key enablers to attain the majority of the SDGs at the country level. This is particularly pertinent when one keeps in mind the implementation of the SDGs in line with the spirit of ‘leave no one behind’. SDG 1.3 specifically states,

Localisation and Contextualisation of the SDGs in Bangladesh

2021-12-27T12:28:07+06:00March 29th, 2021|Issue Brief, Publication|

An effective tool to raise the quality of implementing the SDGs, is to contextualise their delivery by taking into account the local perspective. The 'localisation' concept emerged from experience of the MDGs which generally followed a top-down approach, consequently undermining the aspirations of inclusive development.

Delivery of Efficient Social Protection: Recommendations in view of Implementing Five Programmes in Bangladesh

2021-12-27T12:30:05+06:00February 28th, 2021|Policy Brief, Publication|

This policy brief focuses on the effectiveness of the delivery of five selected SSNPs in Bangladesh. These include maternity allowance, primary and secondary school stipend programmes (PESP and SESP, respectively), employment generation programme for the poorest (EGPP), and old-age allowance.

Contextualising SDG Targets for the Senior Citizens in Bangladesh

2021-12-27T12:25:19+06:00January 19th, 2021|Book, Publication|

Bangladesh’s journey of dual transition from a least developed country (LDC) to a developing country, and from a low-income country to a lower middle-income country–entails that it will need to design and pursue policies that are commensurate with the growing expectations of its citizens for better social welfare and a more economically secured life which reflect its economic achievements. The number of people over 60 years of age in Bangladesh is projected to constitute 20 per cent of total population by 2051.

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